Published On: 18 January, 2024Categories: Press Release

Nkwe Platinum Limited started 2024 with a gesture of goodwill by donating 13 wheelchairs, valuing to a total of R113,000.00, to identified beneficiaries within the host communities of the Zijin Garatau Platinum Mine.

Research shows that people with disabilities in rural impoverished areas, experience significantly more challenges when trying to get access to healthcare. They are also more likely to be subjected to discrimination and stigma.

People with physical disabilities who do not have wheelchairs are frequently confined to their homes or beds, socially isolated, unable to use public transportation, and have limited educational possibilities because most schools are not set up to assist the immobile.

Mr. Zhiyu Fan, MD and CEO of Nkwe Platinum Limited says, “With the company’s mission of practicing ‘Mining for a Better Society’, we are honoured to contribute to the comfort and well-being of our community members. By providing these wheelchairs, we hope to improve the mobility and quality of life of these individuals living with disabilities to enable them to fully participate in their communities.”

Attending the handover was local councillor of ward 12 Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality (FTLM), MM Sebopela, who appreciated the gifts. “We are excited with the intervention by Nkwe. We urge the mine to continue assisting local communities with basic needs and other necessities. These donations are much appreciated and will be helpful to our people.”

One of the wheelchair recipients, Jacobus Lerutla, thanked Nkwe Platinum Limited on behalf of other users, saying the wheelchairs make their lives easier and more meaningful.

“These generous donations will make a huge difference in our lives; we will be mobile around our communities and participate in local projects and be able to attend churches and visit our friends and relatives.”

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