Published On: 23 August, 2021Categories: Press Release

Members of the Garatau Women’s Forum

[Garatau Mine – 23rd August 2021] South Africa-focused platinum developer, Nkwe Platinum, and the Zijin Mining Group, a multinational mining group, honoured Women’s month today by implementing two initiatives to empower women in its mining communities.

As its first initiative, Nkwe Platinum and the Zijin Mining Group introduced the establishment of the Garatau Women’s Forum to support women in the community. The Forum consists of five women from the Garatau community to form a platform where the mine, the community and regulatory authorities can work together to share best practices and seek solutions for sustainable, inclusive socio-economic growth and wellbeing.

“Empowering women and promoting their participation in the mining sector has significant value in achieving sustainable, long-term economic and social development. Nkwe Platinum and the Zijin Mining Group recognise the potential that women can unlock for successful mining operations and become drivers of progress,” said Mr. Zhiyu Fan, Managing Director and CEO of Nkwe Platinum Limited.

The second initiative involved the donation of 1000 sanitary products to communities around the Garatau Mine. Nkwe Platinum and the Zijin Mining Group evenly distributed sanitary products to underprivileged girls in schools and women in Garatau, Maandagshoek, Hoepakrantz and De Kom. In addition to the donation, teams of local community women were arranged to provide hygiene awareness and social counselling to recipients of the sanitary products.

“Ethical corporate social responsibility and the wellbeing of women in our communities are part of our top priorities,” Adds Fan.

The processing capacity of Garatau is anticipated to average 3.6 million tonnes of ore per annum, once full capacity is achieved in a few years’ time. The life of mine is estimated to be in excess of 29 years and once fully operational will employ some 2500 people.

Mining operations at Garatau have commenced with the construction of the box-cut, which will make way for the decline shaft development towards the end of this year.

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